Summer Camps

Join us for the Muskoka Limberettes Gymnastics Summer Camp, featuring gymnastics, games, activities, crafts, and swimming!

The Muskoka Limberettes Gymnastics Club offers a weekly summer camp program. Please read on for more information on our Summer Camp program and how to register.

Summer Camp Information

  • Campers must be 5 years of age by December 31st, 2025 (completed Junior Kindergarten).
  • Camp is $280.00 per week; the $45.00 Gymnastics Ontario insurance/registration fee is due for the 2025/2026 season.
  • The $45.00 Gymnastics Ontario fee is valid for all camps and recreational classes from July 1st, 2025 to June 30th, 2026.
  • Camp programming runs from 9:00am – 4:00pm.
  • Drop-off is between 8:00am and 9:00am.
  • Pick-up is between 4:00pm and 5:00pm.
  • The program includes daily gymnastics lessons and free time, inside and outside games and activities, crafts, and swimming at the Sportsplex pool (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).
  • Camp weeks:
    1. July 2nd – July 4th (3 days)
    2. July 7th – July 11th
    3. July 14th – July 18th
    4. July 21st – July 25th
    6. August 5th – August 8th (4 days)
    7. August 11th – August 15th
    8. August 18th – August 22nd
    9. August 25th – August 29th

Frequently Asked Questions

How old does my child need to be to participate?

Children must be 5 years of age by December 31st, 2025 (completed JK) to participate in camp.

What should my child wear to gymnastics camp?

Dress comfortably. Shorts and a t-shirt or a gymnastics leotard are recommended. Please avoid sending your child in tops with spaghetti straps and clothing with zippers, buckles, and buttons.

My child has never participated in gymnastics. Will they fit in with the rest of the campers?

Absolutely! No experience is necessary. Camp is available to children of all skill levels. Our camp is recreational based and will be focusing on the FUNdamentals of gymnastics.

Is there anything special I need to pack for my child’s lunch?

Campers will have two snack breaks and a lunch break. They will be very active throughout the day and we encourage parents to pack lots of healthy snacks as the campers are usually very hungry! We also recommend that you send your child with a water bottle so they remain hydrated throughout the day.

Does my child require special footwear in the gym?

No. Children will be barefoot in the gym. If your child cannot go barefoot for health reasons, socks with grips or gymnastics shoes are required.

Does my child need different clothing for activities outside of the gym?

Yes. Campers will be going outside every day, so they should dress for the weather.  We play lots of active games outside, so make sure they have athletic shoes. We also go swimming and play water games, so pack a swimsuit and towel each day!


Registration Opens Online

Tuesday April 15th, 2025 at 7am!

Registration Payments

  • Camp registration is done using our online registration program. Create an account by clicking on “Register Now!”.
  • All payments are due at the time of registration. If you require a payment plan, please contact us prior to registration by either to make arrangements.
  • Holiday weeks (3- and 4-day weeks) will be prorated.
  • Post-dated payments are to be dated for two weeks prior to the registered week of camp.

  • For those applying for funding through the Children’s Foundation of Muskoka or any other organizations, you are required to register as normal on April 10th. Once your dates are selected, please email or call us to confirm your registration.